Spa Waxing
To integrate into our spa concept, we have transformed the waxing process into a spa experience: we use a wax enriched with ingredients that help soothe and hydrate the skin, such as carbon dioxide titanium, zinc oxide or vegetable oils and milk proteins, with a role in alleviating pain and speeding up healing even in the case of the most sensitive tissue. The wax is never reused, regardless of whether it is traditional wax. After removing the unwanted hair, we use a post-epilation oil, which calms the skin, hydrates it and slows down hair growth. Thus, you will have both a wonderful experience and a smooth, hydrated and velvety skin.

Lower leg............................................45 lei
Full leg.................................................60 lei
Arms....................................................40 lei
Underarms.........................................20 lei
Full brazilian......................................55 lei
Bikini line...........................................40 lei
Between chicks...............................20 lei
Buttock...............................................20 lei
Lombar area....................................25 lei
Low stomach...................................25 lei
Full stomach....................................35 lei
Upper lip...........................................15 lei
Face....................................................15 lei
Chin ...................................................10 lei
Bangs................................................15 lei
There comes a time in every young lady's life when she begins to pay attention to the way she looks and takes care of herself. Removing unwanted hair from the body is a very important topic. and we recommend that the starting point be done in a cosmetic office by a good specialist. If the first hair removal is done at home, with the blade, the hair root will triple in thickness and strength, and over time the skin will become rough, with dilated pores.
We attach great importance to this subject, that's why we use traditional wax for sensitive skin, enriched with honey and azulena, which we never reuse. The process is painless. in which our beautician is permanently concerned about the comfort of the young lady, giving the necessary time to this procedure.
In this way, the skin will remain velvety for a few weeks, and the root will thin out over time.
Lower leg...............................40 lei
Full leg................................... 55 lei
Arms........................................35 lei
Full brazilian ....................... 60 lei
Bikini line................................40 lei
Between chicks....................25 lei
Under arms............................20 lei
Lombar area...........................25 lei
Upper lip..................................15 lei

Men Waxing
There comes a time in every young lady's life when she begins to pay attention to the way she looks and takes care of herself. Removing unwanted hair from the body is a very important topic. and we recommend that the starting point be done in a cosmetic office by a good specialist. If the first hair removal is done at home, with the blade, the hair root will triple in thickness and strength, and over time the skin will become rough, with dilated pores.
We attach great importance to this subject, that's why we use traditional wax for sensitive skin, enriched with honey and azulena, which we never reuse. The process is painless. in which our beautician is permanently concerned about the comfort of the young lady, giving the necessary time to this procedure.
In this way, the skin will remain velvety for a few weeks, and the root will thin out over time.
Lower leg...............................40 lei
Full leg................................... 55 lei
Arms........................................35 lei
Under arms............................20 lei
Lombar area...........................25 lei
Upper lip..................................15 lei