466675797006587 google-site-verification=JU1fnf4KHobFExOnF9JnkZuUDKvbCP9ywL8CDakfYYU Tratament facial pentru tenul patat si pigmentat | Lotus Spa
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Brightening Facial

350 lei .... 75 min

Hyperpigmentation refers to the variety of conditions that produce pigment spots on the skin. Skin cells produce melanin, the natural brown pigment that gives skin its color. However, if from acalled reasons there is an imbalance of them, causing the body to produce too much melanin.

Vitamin A and its cosmetic derivatives improve the color, tone, hydration and texture of the skin, brighten and even out the skin complexion by exfoliating the skin and accelerates cell regeneration.

Skin is exfoliated with a custom blend of light-medium depth peels to treat hyperpigmentation, fine lines and acne scars for the face and décolleté, then refined with microdermabrasion or hydrodermabrasion (depending on skin type). For an action from the inside to the outside, a customized blend of highly effective anti-blemish serums with the help of our oxygenator.

At the end, a led mask will be applied that helps to re-balance the cells and reduce pigment spots.

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