Choose to have unique parties in a luxurious relaxing setting
SPA parties at Lotus Spa
A SPA party is a unique and memorable way to mark a special moment, a magical and fragrant alternative through which to escape from everyday life and enjoy the pampering and special atmosphere of the spa. The concept is that for a few hours, your group will enjoy the services of our spa, by rotation. All packages included body, face and hand treatments, but they differ depending on the package chosen. There is also time spent together, about an hour during the party, in which the group will meet.
Packages also include some snacks, fresh fruit and vegetables, an open tea bar and infused water.
We will sprinkle a few moments of surprise to make the whole experience truly memorable: Tibetan bowl song, messages from the universe and a few others ... but to find out all we are waiting for you at the party!
If you want to continue the party after completing the treatments in the package, you can opt for extra time by choosing in addition the
SPA AFTER PARTY package, which offers you another 3 hours in the spa with your friends, plus a bottle of champagne and a plate of Italian cheeses and cold cuts.
Various packages for original SPA parties at Lotus SPA
Pentru că fiecare petrecere este unică și trebuie să te reprezinte sau să le poți oferi invitaților tăi cele mai frumoase moment îți oferim mai multe pachete din care poți alege.
Fiecare pachet include diferite tipuri de răsfăț tratamente pentru corp, față și mâini precum masaje sau împachetări și ritualuri de frumusețe, dar acestea diferă în funcție de preferințele tale și ale invitaților tăi.
În plus, timp de oră puteți petrece împreună în mansarda noastră SPA ceea ce vă va oferi un moment cu adevărat special.
În cadrul pachetelor puteți să vă bucurați și de gustări proaspete și un bar deschis cu ceai și apă infuzată. Vom presăra și câteva momente surpriză pentru a face întreaga experiență cu adevărat memorabilă, cum ar fi cântecul la bolul tibetan sau mesaje de la univers pentru ca întreaga petrecere să capate o nunață cu adevărat relaxantă. Dar pentru a afla toate detaliile, trebuie să vii la petrecere!
Și dacă vrei să continui petrecerea, te poți bucura de spa cu pachetul SPA AFTER PARTY. Vei avea încă 3 ore în mansardă alături de prietenii tăi, însoțit de o sticlă de șampanie și un platou de brânzeturi italienești.
Alege să ai parte de o petrecere cu totul deosebită și programează o petrecere SPA la Lotus Premium Spa!
Vei avea parte de o experiență unică, memorabilă și relaxantă atât tu cât și invitații tăi.
Rezervă-ți locul acum și bucură-te de beneficiile tratamentelor spa și de momentele frumoase petrecute alături de prietenii tăi.
Package 1: Relax Spa Party
350 lei/person

Choose one of the following services:
Relaxation Massage / Muscle Tonic.
Plantar reflexogen massage.

Then add one of the following services:
Antistress massage (cervical area)
Foot reflexology..

Complete the package with:
Paraffin wrap for hands.
Package 2: Lotus Spa Party
550 lei/ person

Choose one of the following services:
Relaxation Massage / Muscle Tonic.
Plantar Reflexogen Massage.
General Therapeutic Massage.

Then add:
Mini facial treatment
(Make-up removal, Toning, Peeling, Mask, Facial massage and deep hydration)

Fill in the package with one of the followings:
Paraffin treatment for hands and feet.
Package 3: Diva Spa Party
830 lei/ person

Pick one:
Lotus Peaceful Escape Ritual.
The Sweet Sensory Ritual.
Intuitive Rebalance Massage 90 min.

Then add the second one:
Complete facial treatment, Biomer.
Facial Rejuvenation Treatment.

Complete the package with the third one:
Foot bathing ritual + Paraffin wrap for hands and feet.
Add on: Spa After-Party
180 lei / person
3 more hours together
one champagne bottle for 3 persons
a platter of Italian cheese and cold cuts
Questions & Answers:
What is a spa party?
A spa party is an event hosted by Lotus Spa, in which a group of at least 3-4 people up to a maximum of 8-9 people, in a relaxed atmosphere specific to our spa, where guests will enjoy snacks and our services. Each participant in a spa party will benefit in rotation from the services that are part of the chosen package. The whole location is made available to the group for a few hours.
Can we bring our own food or drink?
Absolute! We just need to know in advance to be able to prepare the space as well as possible.
You can bring your own cups, plates, napkins and tablecloths to suit your chosen theme.
Do all participants have to purchase the same package?
In general, it is important that all participants benefit from the same services because their duration differs significantly depending on the package chosen. Each participant will benefit in turn from each service in the chosen package, therefore, in order not to need long waiting times, the packages have been designed in this way, to provide a proper rotation and an adequate cadence of services for all participants. .
When can we decide on the package we want?
Ideally, we would like to know the number of participants and the package chosen at the time of booking, but we understand that these things require time and planning. We need full details at least 2 weeks before the party.
How do we make the reservation?
To make the firm reservation you need to pay an advance of 50% of the value of the chosen package. To get the payment details, please send us an email at: If one of the participants cancels or the entire party is canceled within 5 days before the event already booked, the advance paid will be partially reimbursed, a fee of 100 lei / participant will be charged.
How is the payment made?
The party host is responsible for raising funds for the entire group. Full payment can be made by bank transfer, a few days before the event, and an invoice will be sent immediately by e-mail.
Make sure that all guests are confirmed at least 1 week before the party, as any cancellations will incur a fee of 100 lei. If a guest cancels after the deposit is received, we cannot issue a refund, but you can invite another guest to the place of the person who canceled the entry. Please inform the spa of any changes by email.
What are the steps?
1. Notify the spa party at least 2 weeks in advance by sending the following details by e-mail (
desired date
number of participants
the chosen package
2. A confirmation email from us will be sent to the host.
3.Please also inform us if you will need catering or intend to bring food and drinks. At this point, each participant is important to have the desired services in the chosen package.
4. For the firm reservation of the event you will need to pay an advance of 50%. Lotus Spa will create an advance invoice after completing all the details, usually 2 weeks before the event.
5. Full payment for the event will be made a few days in advance.
6. Last minute service changes will be based on availability. Any cancellations made within 5 days before the event will incur a cancellation fee of 100 lei / participant.
7. Arrive at the party on time and get ready for relaxation! At the entrance you will receive from us comfortable robes and slippers. At the beginning of the party you will benefit from 30 minutes of time together, to enter the atmosphere and disconnect with your friends!
We look forward to seeing you and we promise that you will have a memorable experience that will delight your senses!