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Facial treatments

Professional facials for ladies, gentlemen and teenagers

A skin that radiates radiance needs hair carethat is, not just that daily ritual that you almost certainly follow. 

Skin care is not a fad, but a need that must be covered, so that our skin is beautiful, healthy and as smooth as possible. In order for you to achieve this result, you must use quality products in your daily ritual, but you also need professional facial treatments given by specialists with extensive experience to ensure your skin the pampering and care it needs. 

We in our Lotus SPA centers of beatuty & wellness, we offer you the opportunity to enjoy facial treatments and procedures at advantageous prices, using state-of-the-art equipment to keep your skin beautiful and healthy. 

Discover the treatments in our oasis of beauty and relaxation.

Discover how the effects of facial treatments can change your mood and help boost your confidence.

Facial treatments in Bucharest or Otopeni, at Lotus SPA 


Because each person is different, so are the facial treatments that we perform in Bucharest or Otopeni at Lotus SPA and that we make available to our customers.


So, what do you choose from the following list?


Tratamente faciale pentru Doamne

Tratament Facial de Intretinere 270 lei/ 50 min

Tratament Antiage 350 lei/ 75 min

Tratament Ten Sensibil/ Cuperotic 350 lei/ 75 min

Tratament Ten Acneic 350 lei/ 75 min

Tratament Ten Pigmentat (patat) 350 lei/ 75 min

Tratament Facial de Hidratare 350 lei/ 75 min


Tratamente ce includ Proceduri de ultima generatie

Tratament Antirid cu Mezoterapie 400 lei/ 60 min

Tratament de Rejuvenare Faciala 430 lei/ 75 min

Tratament Bloom cu Dermapen 430 lei/ 75 min

Tratament facial Lotus Deluxe 520 lei/ 2 ore

Tratament Facial cu HIFU de la 750 lei/ 60 min

Acne Treatment

Tratament Facial pentru Adolescenti

350 lei ..... 75 min

Tratarea tenului copilului dvs adolescent de catre un estetician calificat nu este un lux, ci o investitie in sanatatea tenului pe termen lung.

Applying Face Mask

Tratament Facial pentru Barbati

350 lei ..... 75 min

Da, și bărbații au nevoie de un tratament facial din când în când. Pentru a avea un ten curat, fără puncte negre sau coșuri, riduri sau pete, am creat acest tratament facial conceput special pentru domni.

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